domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009

#91 - Domingo 25

Qué lindo cómo me despertaste ayer (: ahora cada vez que me acuerdo de que me asusté porque creí que eras Pery me río sola.
Ir al parque de la costa es algo que se debería poder hacer más seguido. Kyon y Pato se subieron a su primera montaña rusa, lol. Las caras de nervios que tenían durante la cola no tienen precio.
Una lástima que Heru no me haya entendido lo de la noche y Pervi tampoco, porque me tuve que volver para llegar a casa a las 22:10, cosa que no le gustó demasiado a nadie. Igualmente, después de un rato de desesperación, vino otra vez la paz y la alegría y pudimos volver a casa con la sonrisa de satisfacción que mereció el día (:
I was told I had never been happier. Mi cara debe haber emanado energía xDD
Frase del subte: "Ya no pienso en matambre ni le temo al vacío", rofl
Also, con la cara roja del sol me provocás mucha ternura, haha :3 anyways, te lo dije en su momento.
Después a dormir (con cena) a lo de Raqui, que me dio el OK con el tema de las llaves para ir a la pileta y me dejó dar un baño de inmersión, lo que me recordó a "Che te re caben los baños de inmersión a vos, no?" (Chiste internísimo). Dormí como 12 horas, almorcé ravioles and here I am.

Conclusión: estoy cansada, me duele todo y debo haber bajado un par de kilos. Me terminé el té verde con jazmín y puedo decir que ayer fue mi sábado favorito :3 No sé cómo no iba a serlo si lo pasé con mi gente favorita, haha :D

Also, IMMD makes my day:

My brother got kicked out of Barnes and Noble for placing bibles in the fiction section. IMMD

The 3 year-old I was babysitting was showing me her stuffed animals. There was her cat Fluffy, her dog Woofy, and of course, her unicorn – Horny. IMMD.

I work for AT&T and was explaining to a customer why he needed the data plan for the iphone. He was upset and exclaimed that it was just one more way Bill Gates was going to get all of his money. I said “Actually sir, I promise you that Bill Gates is not getting any of your money from the iphone.” IMMD

I teach young children and one of my students came to me in tears, saying, “Johnny now said the U-word.” I asked him to whisper it to me. He said ‘Umotherfucker’. IMMD.

In math class my teacher asked me to define “matrix” I told her, “Unfortunately no one can be told what the Matrix is, they have to experience it for themselves.” IMMD

Overheard this morning, “I’ve decided that Mitchell & I aren’t working out, it’s been over a year & I have yet to orgasm, it’s a shame his portfolio is bigger than his dick.” I laughed the rest of the way into Grand Central. IMMD!

Last week I was at a rummage sale with my grandmother. I found a beautiful music box that wouldn’t wind up. Despite her criticism that it was junk I bought it to fix up. I fixed it…. by removing a carefully hidden hundred dollar bill. IMMD.

I asked my fourth graders to draw something organic, which I explained as something that was once living. One of my kids drew a zombie. IMMD

Expecting to get the answer ‘penguins,’ I asked my three year old cousin what kind of birds don’t fly. She turned to me and said quite calmly and earnestly, “Dead ones.” IMMD

My 7 year old daughter asked me, “Daddy, can you and mommy put your privates together and make me a brother?” IMMD.

I was waiting in line for a ticket to see Transformers 2, and the guy at the front of the line asked for a ticket to, “Megan Fox and the Giant Robots.” IMMD.